CHAP Accredited
CHAP: Community Health Accreditation Partner
Medical Services of America, Inc. (MSA) has been awarded CHAP Accreditation for demonstrating compliance with national standards of excellence in the provision of care services.
Community Health Accreditation Partner (CHAP) is an independent, nonprofit organization accrediting providers of home and community-based care. Founded in 1965, CHAP was first to recognize the need for and value of home and community-based care standards and accreditation. CHAP is the oldest national, community-based accrediting body with more than 9,000 agencies currently accredited nationwide.

As a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)–approved accrediting organization, CHAP surveys organizations providing home health, hospice, and home medical equipment services to establish if Medicare Conditions of Participation and DMEPOS Quality Standard are met and recommend certification to CMS. CHAP’s purpose is to partner with organizations nationwide to advance quality in the delivery of care and services in the home and community.
"By achieving CHAP Accreditation, Medical Services of America has shown a commitment to excellence,” said Nathan DeGodt, CHAP President and CEO. “We are excited to begin our partnership with MSA by offering support in its commitment to providing quality care and continuous improvement."